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Metabolism 101

Overcoming the Mental Struggle of Eating More Calories During a Reverse Diet

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Why Eating More Calories Feels So Hard—And Why It’s the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Body

Let’s Be Real: Restriction Feels Safe, but It’s Holding You Back

Beautiful Peach, how many diets have you tried? Probably more than you can count, right? You’ve been told over and over that eating less is the ONLY way to lose weight. And it’s no wonder—you’ve been conditioned by a $72 billion diet industry to believe this.

But here’s the truth bomb you didn’t know you needed: If you’ve hit a plateau and are under-eating, restriction isn’t the answer—it’s the problem.

When you restrict calories for too long, your metabolism adapts. It slows down to match the fuel you’re giving it, making fat loss nearly impossible. Eating more might sound scary, but it’s the only way to heal your metabolism and finally break through that plateau.

Why Eating More Feels Like a Mental Tug-of-War

It’s not just about the food—it’s about trust. Years of dieting have probably made you feel like you can’t trust yourself around food.

This fear is valid, but it’s also holding you hostage. Think about it like rebuilding trust after a bad breakup. It takes inner work, support, and time. The same goes for learning to trust your body again.

The Benefits of Eating More Calories (That Nobody Tells You About)

Eating more is NOT the enemy. It’s fuel for:

  • A faster metabolism that actually works for fat loss.
  • Better energy for workouts, workdays, and life.
  • A body that feels good instead of drained and deprived.

When you follow a reverse diet the right way, your metabolism begins to work like the powerful engine it’s meant to be. And guess what? That trust you lost with food? It starts to come back.

How to Overcome the Fear of Eating More Calories

Ready to start your reverse diet? Here’s how to shift your mindset:

  1. Reframe Your Thoughts: Calories are fuel, not the enemy. Think of eating more as an investment in your long-term goals.
  2. Focus on Non-Scale Wins: Celebrate better sleep, energy, and strength—because these matter WAY more than a number.
  3. Go at Your Own Pace: It’s okay to start slow. Reverse dieting is YOUR journey.
  4. Get Support: Having a coach by your side (👋 Hi, that’s me!) helps you feel confident every step of the way.

Let Me Help You Heal Your Metabolism!

If you’re ready to stop the diet cycle and start seeing REAL results, I’d love to support you!

💛 Apply for the Beautiful Peach Mastermind (BPM): My personalized coaching program where I create your custom macros, support your journey, and help you finally heal your metabolism.

Watch My Free Reverse Dieting 101 Training: Learn everything you need to know about reverse dieting, metabolism health, and how to lose weight sustainably.

Click here to listen to the podcast episode: Overcoming the Mental Struggle of Eating More Calories During a Reverse Diet

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