I'm Caitlen

Reverse dieting coaching and community for women who are ready to finally feel like themselves again.


Meet Caitlen

Work with Caitlen


beautiful peach mastermind



The Cake Shop Courses

The macro calculator

the reverse diet course


macro recipe books

workout guide

Welcome to The Cake Shop

Tools and trainings designed to help you feel really freakin’ good.

The Macro Calculator

New to metabolic healing? Start here: An easy-to-use tool and training to take inventory.

Most macro tracking apps forget a major consideration when tallying your day-to-day input and output to calculate your macros: The Human Factor. Aka, who you are as a living, breathing, human being… Wild, right?

The Macro Calculator shows you the current pace of your metabolism and where it should be. You can use this information to guide your next steps, like reverse dieting and starting macros.

Let’s calculate

Reverse Diet Course

So you’ve nailed macros? Take this self-paced course teaching you how to reverse diet.

Massive shifts only happen when you decide to make a change.  Get the exact steps to follow if you want to heal your metabolism and lose weight without the restrictive dieting that’s failed you so far. In approximately 5 weeks, you’ll not only know how to reverse diet successfully and safely, but will make the adjustments needed to hit your goals–and keep the weight off.

Rewind now

The Peaches Workout App

Strength training workouts (home & gym options) to help you stay consistent with your workouts--even when life gets super busy!

Each rep, set, exercise, and workout is written with your success in mind!
The app includes: home (dumbbell, resistance band, and body weight substitutions) and gym options, exercise videos for every exercise, a workout and progress picture tracker, and a body measurement tracker!
$17/month ($0.56/day)

work it

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