Intro to reverse dieting and food freedom

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Metabolism 101

Episode 113: How To Determine If You Have A Slow Metabolism

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Welcome to today’s episode where we will take a deep dive into how to determine if you have a slow metabolism. As a metabolism and nutrition enthusiast, I often get asked how to determine if one has a slow metabolism. In this episode, I will provide several self-auditing techniques to help you assess your metabolism. So let’s get started with episode 113: How to Determine if You Have a Slow Metabolism.

First, let’s discuss some real-world scenarios that may indicate a slow metabolism without diving into the science and numbers. One common sign is if you have restricted your calorie intake for a prolonged period of time. This includes diets like keto, 21-day fix, or prolonged calorie deficits. Such restrictions can slow down your metabolism and affect various systems in your body, including energy levels, libido, and hunger hormones.

Another factor to consider is whether you skip meals, intentionally or unintentionally. Skipping meals can disrupt your digestion and affect your hunger hormones. It’s important to have regular meals throughout the day to support a healthy metabolism and avoid negative effects on your body.

If you have trouble maintaining weight loss, it may be an indication of a slow metabolism. Difficulty in sustaining weight loss can be a result of various factors, including metabolic adaptations from previous dieting or other underlying health issues.

Remember, a slow metabolism is not a permanent condition, and there are strategies to improve it. Stay tuned for future episodes where we will delve deeper into these topics.

Okay. Um, if you are someone who experiences weight fluctuations, let’s discuss this further. In the first example, I mentioned a person who starts a diet by reducing their calorie intake from 2200 to 1200 calories. This can lead to a slowdown in their metabolism. Additionally, when we restrict ourselves, we often reach a point where we struggle to maintain the 1200 calorie deficit.

It becomes difficult to adhere to a low-carb or low-fat diet, or any other restrictive diet we may be following. Eventually, we reach a breaking point and return to our previous eating habits. However, our metabolism remains adapted to the 1200 calorie level.

For instance, let’s say you go back to consuming 2200 calories per day. This means you are consuming an extra 1000 calories each day. Over the course of a week, this adds up to 7000 calories, equivalent to gaining two pounds. Often, we feel guilty after such episodes of overeating, which can last for days, weeks, or even months.

At some point, the guilt becomes overwhelming, and we might regret not maintaining the restriction, believing that it is the only way to achieve weight loss. Consequently, we start a new diet, thinking that perhaps a different approach, such as a 1200 calorie diet or a 21-day fix, will yield better results.

However, the real issue is not the specific diet we choose, but the act of dieting itself, which slows down our metabolism. As a result, we find ourselves in a cycle of gaining and losing weight repeatedly, indicating that our metabolism requires attention.

Weight gain occurs whenever we are not dieting, such as during weekends or while traveling. This suggests that our metabolism is operating at a slower rate and needs to be nurtured. This is where a reverse diet comes into play. It allows us to gradually increase our calorie intake without experiencing weight regain.

I should note that sometimes weight gain can still occur even when we remain in a restricted state. This is also a sign that our metabolism has reached its limit and is signaling for help. Our bodies cannot directly communicate with us, so weight regain serves as a signal that something is wrong and our metabolism needs support.

The key is to listen to these signals and take action. Rather than panicking, we need to acknowledge and address the issue. Now, if you have dieted in the past, even if it was several years ago, and you stopped but never lost the weight you regained, it is likely that your metabolism is still functioning at the same low level as when you initially dieted.

In such cases, a reverse diet can be highly beneficial. I have worked with many clients in similar situations who have achieved remarkable results. Even if you have never dieted before but want to lose weight in a sustainable way without resorting to unhealthy calorie deficits, I am here to help.

It is important to understand that sustainable weight loss requires a comprehensive approach that considers your individual needs and circumstances. Quick fixes are not the answer. I am passionate about helping clients achieve lasting results by healing their metabolism and fostering a positive relationship with food.

If any of this resonates with you and you have additional questions or would like to discuss your specific situation in more detail, please feel free to send me a direct message on Instagram. I am here to listen, support, and guide you on your journey. Together, we can make a positive and lasting change.

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