In today’s episode I dive deep into what you should do if your friends and family are not supporting you on your journey to a happier and healthier life. I touch on how you may be feeling, why your friends and family may not be supporting you, and what to do about it.
Times to Check Out:
(03:10) Not everyone is going to understand
(07:30) Having the hard conversations
(12:00) YOU get to decide what to do with your body
(18:12) How to get the support you need
(25:24) What if you’re still not getting the support?
Connect with Caitlen:
FREE Weight Loss & Restore Your Metabolism Training: bit.ly/IGMasterclassCSF
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The Beautiful Peach Mastermind: http://bit.ly/CSFMastermind
Macro & Metabolism Calculator:
Macros & Motivation Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrosandmotivation/
Food Scale I love: https://amzn.to/3bESgzS
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1St Phorm free shipping [Opt-Health Stack]: https://1stphorm.com/products/opti-health-stack/?a_aid=cschmidt
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/cschmidt_fit