In today’s podcast I dive deep into one of the most exciting phases of reverse dieting: eating MORE food WITHOUT gaining any weight! I explain the importance of adjusting your macros the right way so you can get the long term results you want. I also touch on my journey transitioning from the dieting mindset into the world of reverse dieting and what it did for me.
Times to Check Out:
(02:28) Reverse dieting recap
(04:45) Restoring your metabolism with reverse dieting
(08:53) Adjusting your macros the right way
(10:54) My experience going against the rules of the dieting industry
(18:19) Taking the leap into a sustainable future for yourself
(22:48) Stop letting your fear win
Connect with Caitlen:
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Macro & Metabolism Calculator:
Macros & Motivation Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrosandmotivation/
Food Scale I love: https://amzn.to/3bESgzS
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/cschmidt_fit