In today’s episode we will cover how I lost weight when I started eating more food. I’ll explain what happens to your metabolism when you diet and how the reverse diet works. We will also talk about what you can do to keep the weight off!
Times to Check Out:
(2:37) Speeding up your metabolism
(3:34) How do I know if I need a reverse diet?
(6:48) what happens when we restrict
(10:14) How you are not losing weight when you cut calories
(13:10) so what should you do
(17:00) this cycle makes you fear food
(19:05) Here’s what happens when you reverse diet
(23:38) I teach you how to keep the weight off
Times to Check Out:
Connect with Caitlen:
Beautiful Peach Mastermind [Learn More & Apply]: http://bit.ly/CSFMastermind
[Free Training] Food Freedom, Adjusting Macros, Reverse Dieting: http://bit.ly/IGMasterclassCSF
Food Scale I love: https://amzn.to/3bESgzS
Macro & Metabolism Calculator:
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Macros & Motivation Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrosandmotivation/
1St Phorm free shipping [Opt-Health Stack]: https://1stphorm.com/products/opti-health-stack/?a_aid=cschmidt
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/cschmidt_fit