Why Join The Waitlist?

You will get access to Early Bird Enrollment, where you will receive:

đŸ„ A discounted $$ price into the challenge, only available for the ladies on the waitlist.

đŸ„ A live kick off call with Caitlen (hi, it’s me) the first week of the challenge to make sure you are starting the challenge with confidence, plus have the chance for a live Q&A.

đŸ„ My Fast Food Cheat Sheet for your ease of finding the most macro friendly food options when on the go.

Join The Waitlist

A 6 Week Challenge to END END The Start Over Cycle!

The Most Effective and Reliable Way to Start Your Journey In Ending The Start Over Cycle After Weekends, Holidays, and Social Outings is With the Mastering Your Macros
Join The Waitlist!
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*By submitting your email to access the course, you’ll also be added to my email list. I send emails weekly, but it’s always good stuff! Never spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Join The Waitlist!
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*By submitting your email to the waitlist, you’ll also be added to my email list. I send emails weekly, but it’s always good stuff! Never spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Always customized, never cookie cutter.

I’ve worked with over 3,500 of women just like you over the years

→ You are endlessly frustrated with trying so hard to lose weight
restricting yourself to 1200 calories, and getting nothing but weight regain and food guilt as a result.

→ You are tired of social outings, holidays, and vacations creating anxiety over weight gain rather than memories filled with joy.

→ You fear that your poor relationship with food will rub off on your children, and they will grow up with the same negative self-talk and eating patterns.

→ You desperately want a real solution from a true expert on your fat loss plateau, rather than being told “just to eat less and do more cardio”.

My speciality is reverse dieting and restoring your metabolism to help you lose weight and keep it off
 without restrictions.

Life is best lived with a glass of wine in one hand and cake in the other. That’s kind of a weird thing for a health expert to say, right?

You’ll see that we do things differently around here–literally flipping everything you’ve tried before upside down and starting fresh. I dedicate my days to educating and coaching women as they reverse the metabolic damage the big bad diet industry inflicts on too many of us.

The result? You finally lose the weight
 The fun way.

Hey, I'm Caitlen!

no, it's not too good to be true!

And if you hang out with me, I’ll show you how my stress-free method can work for you too. I’m protective of my beautiful peaches and truly only want the best for you.


Empowered. Confident. Finally happy.

I’m not like other “coaches” you see online–I actually studied this stuff. I’m kind of a geek and like to collect knowledge.

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition & Dietetics

Masters Degree in Exercise Science & Sport Nutrition


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